Products designed for industrial applications.
General terms and conditions for sale are available on
www.camozzi.com.Tubing, spirals and accessories
Release 8.7
Tubing and accessories
Tubes: reinforced PVC, Polyamide PA12, Hytrel Polyester,
Polyethylene, PU.
Diameters: 4/2, 5/3, 6/4, 8/6, 10/8, 12/10, 15/12,5 mm
The high specularity of internal surfaces
for the fluid passage (roughness of about
6 micron) allows to reduce the loosening
of loads and to reach very high flows
with same diameters.
Technopolymers used are particularly
resistant to aging, thus ensuring the
product a very long life.
Camozzi offers a range of tubes and
spirals with specific features which
are suitable for several technical
Thanks to high-quality raw materials
and with a low specific weight, these
products are very small and lightweight.
They also show high resistance against
stress and flexural vibrations.