Products designed for industrial applications.
General terms and conditions for sale are available on
www.camozzi.com.Series Y valve islands
Release 8.7
The Multipole and Fieldbus versions use covers for the pilot
valves, which guarantee the IP65 protection class as well as
the mechanical protection of internal parts.
The covers combine:
- manual override in the monostable and bistable functions.
A simple pressure is enough to obtain a monostable function,
whereas the bistable function is obtained coupling a rotation.
- LEDs for the voltage signalling on the solenoid
- diagnostic LEDs on Fieldbus versions
- ports for the electrical connectors
- integrated electronic boards
- connection interface with the pilot valves
- outlets protection against overvoltage, reversed polarity and
short circuit
- connections realized on printed circuit boards
The Multipole cover is available in three sizes allows the
connection to valve islands with 4, 6 or 8 valve positions. Every
position can be freely equipped with either monostable or
bistable solenoid.
It is possible to join two or more valve islands placing a plate
for intermediate supply, type “X”, under every Sub-D plug.
Pneumatic modules can be composed of 2, 4, 6 or 8 valve
positions and separated by various seals.
A module for additional supply type “X” or a function “W” must
be always inserted between two seals separating channels 1
and 11.
Covers - Multipole version