Products designed for industrial applications.
General terms and conditions for sale are available on
www.camozzi.com.Series 31 cylinders
Release 8.8
Series 31
compact cylinders
Double and single-acting, double-acting non-rotating, magnetic
ø12, 16, 20, 25 mm
ø 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100 mm UNITOP
These cylinders are available in 10
different bore sizes from ø 12 to ø 100.
The guides are inserted in the external
profile parallel to the sliding axis on
three sides. These guides are used to
locate the switches that sense the piston
position. The construction design of
these cylinders provides excellent axis
stability. They are available either with a
male or female thread.
These cylinders can be supplied in W
version for high temperatures (140°C).
This last version is not magnetic.
Compact design
Wide range of
models available
Standard magnetic
High temperature (double-
acting and non magnetic)
Type of construction compact profile
single and double-acting
AL body and end-blocks - rolled stainless steel AISI 303 rod - AL piston rod
PU seals or FKM seals for high temperatures (140°C)
flange, feet, trunnion
Stroke min - max
Series 31R, 31M and 31F: ø12÷25 = 1÷200mm, ø32 ÷ 63 = 1÷300 mm, ø80÷100 = 1÷400mm
The min. stroke for the use of sensors is 10 mm.
Single-acting = 5÷25 mm (see the table of standard strokes)
Operating temperature 0°C ÷ 80°C (with dry air - 20°C)
Operating pressure 1 ÷ 10 bar (double-acting); 2 ÷ 10 bar (single-acting)
filtered air, without lubrication. If lubricated air is used, it is recommended to use oil ISOVG32. Once applied the lubrication should
never be interrupted.
10 ÷ 1000 mm/sec (without load)
The compact dimensions allow Series
31 single and double-acting magnetic
cylinders to be installed within confined
spaces. These cylinders are suitable for
use with feet, brackets.