Welcome to the world of Camozzi
Welcome to the world of Camozzi.
You are looking at the new
“Camozzi Catalogue release 8.8”,
updated with all new products.
We want to dedicate this catalogue,
meant to be an easy-to-use
and practical instrument, to all
the people who work with us and for us.
It represents an important sign of how
your satisfaction guides our choices.
This issue, together with much
more information regarding the world
of Camozzi, can also be found
on the website
www.camozzi.com.w w w . c a m o z z i . c o m
Camozzi spa
Società Unipersonale
Via Eritrea, 20/I
25126 Brescia - Italy
Tel. +39 030 37921
Fax +39 030 2400430
info@camozzi.com www.camozzi.comTechnical assistance
Product inquiries and
requests for support:
Tel.+39 030 3792790
service@camozzi.comSpecial product inquiries:
Tel.+39 030 3792390