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Products designed for industrial applications.

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Series 3 Plug-In valve islands




Release 8.8




CPU Module - Characteristics

It is a slave node of the main PROFIBUS, CANopen, DeviceNet, EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT, PROFINET network and the Master module

of the subnet. All modules provided can be connected only on the right side of the CPU module, like the digital/analog inputs/outputs,

direct interface modules for the valve islands (Series F, HN and 3) and the initial module of the subnet.

It has its own M12A 4 pin Male connection to supply the modules connected, distinguishing both logic supply and power supply.

Two M12 connections for Bus IN and Bus OUT of the main network, which M12 connection will take over the relative specifications

according to the choosen protocol.

The addressing is performed by means of the Rotary Switch for the protocols with this feature, while for Ethernet protocols, addressing

is performed by means of the protocol itself. Leds indicating the working state. A maximum number of 1024 inputs and 1024 outputs

can be managed.

Expansion Module - Characteristics

At its right side, different modules can be connected like the digital/analog inputs/outputs, the direct interface modules for the valve

islands (Series F, HN and 3) and the initial module of the subnet to re-amplify it or to create new branches. It has its own M12 A 4 pin

male connection to supply the devices connected, distinguishing both logic supply and power supply. It has two M12 D 5 pin female

connections for Bus-IN and Bus-OUT connection of the subnet. Leds indicate the working state.

The valve island equipped with the Expansion Module can be used only in presence of a subnet.