Everybody talks about quality.
We prefer to talk about the many
components that work together to create a
quality system that ensures excellence, not only
in the final product but
throughout the entire business process.
Research, technological innovation,
training, respect for personnel,
employee and environmental safety,
and total customer care are all factors
that Camozzi considers strategic
in the achievement of quality reflecting
an unyielding commitment to the
pursuit of excellence.
In 2009 Camozzi renewed from Det
NorskeVeritas the certifications for
the Quality Management Systems
regarding UNI EN ISO 9001 :2008
and for the Environmental Management Systems
as UNI EN ISO 14001:2004
One of Camozzi’s main goals, equal to
quality and safety, is the protection of the
environment and compatibility of our
activities with the territorial context in
which they are performed.