The company reserves the right to vary models and dimensions without notice.
These products are designed for industrial applications and are not suitable for sale to the general public.
a i r p i l o t v a l v e s
Dimensions in millimeters (mm)
Basic Assembly/Circuit Guide
Mod. 2LB-SE
Mod. 2LB-SE
Mod. 2LB-SR
Mod. 2LB-SR
Mod. 2L-AM
Amplifier Valve
Mod. 2L-AM
Amplifier Valve
Basic Air Cylinder
Basic Air Cylinder
The air signal from the receiver element (2LB-SR) will typically become the input pilot signal to the amplifier valve
(2LA-AM). Receiver element (2LB-SR) will typically connect its port 2 (or “A”), to the amplifier valve pilot port 12.
Pilot pressure applied at Port 12 actuates valve and allows pressure (2 - 8 bar) to flow from inlet P to outlet A).
2. A constant “leak,” or air consumption, occurs while unit is at rest from inlet 1 to atmosphere.