Products designed for industrial applications.
General terms and conditions for sale are available on
www.camozzi.com.Series 6PF cylinders
Release 8.8
Series 6PF
Positioning Feedback cylinders
Double-acting low friction, magnetic
ø 50, 63, 80, 100, 125 mm
Series 6PF pneumatic actuators are
equipped with a potentiometric linear
position transducer integrated inside the
rod. This type of cylinder allows, along
the entire stroke, a constant control of
the rod position which is read processing
the change of the transducer internal
The pistons have been equipped with a
permanent magnet which enables the
use of external end-stroke sensors.
The dynamic seals are specific for low
Thanks to the electrical connection,
realized by means of an M12 male
electric round connector positioned on
the rear head, these cylinders fulfil the
standards of IP67 protection class.
Series 6PF cylinders comply with the
ISO 15552 standards and can be
assembled with the entire range of
standard accessories. They are available
with bores from 50mm to 125mm with
standard strokes from 50mm to 500mm
with intervals of 50mm.
The sturdy design, the flexible
installation and the high performance
make Series 6PF suitable for use in
applications with tensioning cylinders,
positioning cylinders and filling, cutting
and measuring systems.
In compliance with ISO
15552 standards and with
the previous DIN/ISO 6431
- VDMA 24562 standards
Chrome plated steel rod
Protection class IP67
Minimal sliding speed
of 5 mm/sec
Minimal sliding
pressure < 0,1 bar
G variant for dusty
applications (cement,
resin, mud, residues
from wood, etc...)