Products designed for industrial applications.
General terms and conditions for sale are available on
Release 8.7
All solenoids presented can be mounted on the following
solenoid valves: Series A - 3 - 4 - 9 - NA
For the tightening of the solenoids’ nut we recommend to do it
manually, avoiding the use of any equipment.
Solenoids for solenoid valves Series A, 3, 4, 9 and NA
Solenoids Mod. G9... can be replaced on all other Series
A solenoid valves or pilots allowing to change the valve
functioning from:
- unstable functioning system (spring return)
- stable functioning system (memory)
The stable functioning has the following advantages:
- with an impulse of about 20 ms after which the valve always
remains in the controlled position.
- the valve remains in the controlled position (opened or
closed) even if there is no power.
- when normally opened valves should be used, it is not
necessary to use valves with special mechanical parts as a NC
valve becomes a NO valve just by changing the control
impulse sequence.
- The impulse control system facilitates the utilization with
electronic circuits. The minimum required impulse for the
function is 20 ms; if, for circuit reasons, the impulse last for a
longer period, there is no danger of heating.
- magnet attraction command = Actuation SW1
- magnet release command = Actuation SW2
If the solenoids are mounted in batteries, a magnetic scheme
type G90/L should be used.
To facilitate the cabling a special connector is available, which
contains a circuit which realises the inversion of the power
supply to the solenoid, indispensable for the PLC command,
122-892 P with common positive or 122-893 N with common
Solenoids Mod. G9...