Welcome to the world of Camozzi
Welcome to the world of Camozzi.
You are looking at the new “North American
Fittings and Flow Control Valve Catalog,
Edition 8.6”, updated with all new products.
As a part of our ongoing effort in continued
product development, Camozzi is launching this
new, improved and updated catalog designed
with an easy-to-use and practical format, which
offers a comprehensive and innovative range of
fittings components.
The catalog includes clear and technical ima-
ges, drawings, dimension tables, technical
specifications and new tools that will provide
you with a better understanding of our
Fittings, Flow Control Valves and Accessories
product line.
The new layout and design combines all NPTF/
Inch, Pro-Fit and Coated fittings within
the same section. We have repeated the same
layout and design for the Sprint and Non-
Sprint BSP/Metric products. The later chapters
include all flow control valves, accessory
valves, silencers and tubing.
w w w . c a m o z z i - u s a . c o m
Camozzi Pneumatics, Inc.
2160 Redbud Blvd.
Suite 101
McKinney, Texas 75069
Tel. 972 548 8885
Fax 972 548 2110
info@camozzi-usa.com www.camozzi-usa.com