The company reserves the right to vary models and dimensions without notice.
These products are designed for industrial applications and are not suitable for sale to the general public.
m a n u a l v a l v e s
Dimensions in millimeters (mm)
(235-972 and 234-972).
Actuaction force at 6 bar = 7 in (1.5 lbs)
Minivalves Mod. 235-972 and Mod 234-972 Cv = .06
(235-990 and 234-990).
(235-990 and 234-990).
Minivalves Mod. 235-990 and Mod 234-990 Cv = .06
Adaptor Mod. 200-2230
(235-905 and 234-905).
Minivalves Mod. 235-905 and Mod 234-905 Cv = .06
(235-895 and 234-895).
Actuaction force at 6 bar = 7 in (1.5 lbs)
Minivalves Mod. 235-895 and Mod 234-895 Cv = .06
(235-975 and 234-975).
Actuaction force at 6 bar = 7 in (1.5 lbs)
Minivalves Mod. 235-975 and Mod 234-975 Cv = .06
Cv = .06