Meter In, Meter Out, Needle Orifice FLOW CONTROLLERS
Flow Qn (Nl/min.) from B
A with needle OPEN:
60 NL/min.
(2.12 SCFM)
Flow Qn (Nl/min.) from B
A with needle CLOSED:
43 NL/min.
(1.52 SCFM)
Flow Qn (Nl/min.) from B
A with needle OPEN:
164 NL/min.
(5.79 SCFM)
Flow Qn (Nl/min.) from B
A with needle CLOSED:
33.0 NL/min.
(1.17 SCFM)
To ensure the right choice of unidirectional flow controller, proceed as follows: calculate the quantity of air in NL/min (see cylinder Table); determine the
stroke time of the cylinder; refer to graph to see which controller is the right type. In the case of bidirectional regulators, refer to the graph and check
whether the flow control range is suitable for the work required. (NB: Qn is determined with a supply pressure of 6 bar and with
P = 1 bar at the outlet.
N° = number of screw turns.)
Flow Qn (Nl/min.) from B
A with needle OPEN:
107 NL/min
(3.78 SCFM)
Flow Qn (Nl/min.) from B
A with needle CLOSED:
28.3 NL/min.
(1.0 SCFM)
Flow Qn (Nl/min.) from B
A with needle OPEN:
367 NL/min
(12.96 SCFM)
Flow Qn (Nl/min.) from B
A with needle CLOSED:
133.0 NL/min
(4.71 SCFM)
r i gh t ang l e f l ow con t ro l v a l v e s
The company reserves the right to vary models and dimensions without notice.
These products are designed for industrial applications and are not suitable for sale to the general public.
f l ow con t ro l v a l v e s & a c c e s sor i e s